Sidney's wife, Lady Frances
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Our first thanks go to Professors A.J. Colaianne and W.L. Godshalk, who, in 1978, began collecting references, contacting publishers, and laying plans for a comprehensive Sidney bibliography. By 1981, when they turned the project over to us, they had created extensive card files from which we were able to begin the task of locating material and annotating it. We owe special thanks to Professor Colaianne for early advice on computerization.
We would also like to offer special thanks to members of our board of advisors over the years: Walter R. Davis, James L. Harner, Harrison T. Meserole, and Thomas P. Roche, Jr. Without their thoughtful suggestions, the project would be the poorer in many ways. We owe a particularly large debt of gratitude to Professor Harner, who, in his double role as a member of the board and as a Field Editor for G.K. Hall, has devoted hours to our plans and our text, sending us numerous items located in the course of his own research. He has acted, not just as a good editor, but as a fellow laborer and a friend. Special thanks, too, go to Carol Kaske, Rita Guerlac, and John Van Dyk for assistance with translations of the French and Latin elegies written after Sidney's death and some tricky items in Dutch; to Carol Kaske and John Cunnigham for looking at rare items overseas; and to A.C. Hamilton, Charles Levy, Jean Robertson, and John Shawcross, who studied preliminary samples of the text and made us wiser through their experience. Thanks, too, to Joseph Black, editor of Sidney Journal, for allowing us to adapt abstracts originally published there and in the journal's predecessor, Sidney Newsletter.
The computer arrangements and library work required for the project were extensive, and those who assisted us in these tasks deserve a paragraph of their own. Heart-felt thanks go to James Herrmann and Mark Rimar of Saint Louis University, who conquered technical problems to put the database on the Internet and designed handsome and functional web pages for us. We also owe debts of gratitude to Susan G. Bright, who-with Wanda Baber, Eliza Lau, Peggy Morgan, and many others in the Virginia Tech Department of User Services-worked many hours to make our early, mainframe database a success. We are also grateful to John B. Smith, author of the computer programs for the World Shakespeare Bibliography, who generously allowed us to make use of his software and his expertise in the early days and who handled more than one phone call at odd hours. Sincere thanks, too, go to James Stukas of Computing Services at Notre Dame and to Anita Malebranche, Charles Haney, Brenda Evans and to others in the reference and interlibrary loan departments of Newman Library at Virginia Tech, McLaughlin Library at the University of Guelph, Farrell Library at Kansas State, and Spencer Library at the University of Kansas. We have also received much help from librarians in the research collections that served as our primary resources for rare items: Olin Library at Cornell, Robarts Library at Toronto, the Library of Congress, the Folger Shakespeare Library, the New York Public Library, the Widener Library at Harvard, the Beinecke Library at Yale, and the Firestone Library at Princeton. Finally, we wish to note a special debt of gratitude to the late Norman Kretzmann for his friendship and for his assistance in arranging summer working space in the stacks at Cornell.
Financial assistance for the project has been generously provided by the SLU2000 Research Assistant Initiative at Saint Louis University and by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Supplementary funding for summer travel and research was provided by the Division of Humanities and the College of Arts and Sciences at Virginia Tech. The large burden of computer costs was borne by the English Departments at Saint Louis University, Virginia Tech and the University of Guelph. To these institutions we offer our sincerest thanks for their generous support.
Finally, we owe much to the able and dedicated graduate assistants at Saint Louis University who have given so much to the project: Annie Papreck, our first Assistant Editor, who did much of the searching, corresponding, and computer work for the period 1985-2001, Keith Kelly, who gathered materials for 2002-2005, and Tim Moylan, who collected through 2007.
Donald Stump
Saint Louis University